Saturday 16 January 2010

Personal Favourites 2, hah

Since we're putting favourite dance vids up :P:P, I had to put this up. One of the videos that inspired me to bboy even though the showcase wasn't the traditional bboy showcase. The crew really took advantage of what they could do with bboying. After this I was crazy into watching bboy videos. started learning from Gambler's on youtube. This was around grade 10-11? I forget what year, but during that time, korean bboys were being innovative and creative with showcases and power. Still to this day I believe no one can beat Koreans (overall) in power moves because they not only pull them off with perfect form, they do it to the beat.

Expression crew, one of the most creative crews showcase wise. I bet every E-boy has seen this video.
Also, don't even try to compare these guys with the Jabbawockeez. fuck you if you believe these guys are biters :P

Oh yeah... I don't know how to indent with this blog thing lol.

- Mike

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