Sunday, 7 February 2010

Synthetic Creatures..... BLASPHEMOUS!

Check it some new article about the U.S. wanting to create indestructable synthetic organisms.
- Synthetic Creatures -

Well another one of my interests is technology and its progression and usually im one to accept new things but this is just wrong in terms of fixing something that isn't broken. Now we're just asking for ourselves to be killed by our creations much like those sci-fi movies that I enjoy all too much. (you know the ones im talkin bout)

I am sorry but this is one of the things that piss me off, the arrogrance of the military to think that they are above laws like the laws of nature and they try sh*t like this. For instance when looking over some new military tech they're very revolutionary with weapons and and how to kill/destroy things faster and easier. Why don't they invest on something that ACTUALLY helps keeps us safe instead of advertising that these weapons can help do that.

For instance - and im putting my idea out there - if its possible to create high powered weapons why can't we come up with high powered defenses. Example a device that may be able to repel missiles with say an ElectroMagnetic Pulse or on that note something that can dissarm weapons from a distance.
And i'm sure there's a saying that goes something like...
"The greatest battles are the battles not fought" something like that
To me this means that winning does not neccessarily mean that you need to fight.

but yeah ... found this off Gizmodo one of my regularly visited sites for new tech. and just felt like i should express my concern about the direction we're taking with technology.

either than that its cool so just...


1 comment:

  1. Jesus. This looks like something straight out of Metal Gear! Also, I peeped the article next to it "Big Dog Going To War" and it only confirmed that, yes this is Metal Gear's story in the making. LOL
