Saturday 20 March 2010

Personal Favourites 4: Flash animator

The last time we did a "personal favourites" it was ... January. Im gonna continue it, and this blog is about Egoraptor.
Egoraptor is a flash animator with flash animations found on newgrounds. Despite the weak drawings, his creative animation skills and the way he animates the characters makes his segments funnier than they already are. Here are some of his videos (the videos are off of youtube but the quality is better in newgrounds):

The AWESOME series is a set of flash animations that make fun of the games. If you've played Trauma Center you'll understand this video. If you don't get this one, or if you love it, Egoraptor has made animations of Metal gear solid, final fantasy 7 and gears of war :P

This clip was from a collaboration between a lot of newground's flash animators. I'DLIKESOMEPOUNDCAKE!

Another notable flash animation is "Girlchan in Paradise." Long, but funny :P. look him up on newgrounds! Egoraptor

- Mike

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