Monday 23 August 2010


my turn! lol

also "cute without the e" and "decade under the influence" haha

also "the quiet things that no one ever knows"

oh gawd i can go on forever. haha.

yeah pinkerton album by weezer is very very emo. apparently the whole album about the lead singer rivers cuomo falling in love with a japanese girl that's a lesbian. listen to the whole album it's actually really good. very emo. funny at some parts.

hands down my favourite band in highschool was probably weezer. blue album to maladroit all the way.

okay too much emo. ill lighten up the mood after this post. haha. I feel like I'm going to ease away from hip hop soon... naaahh.

hey do you think goths evolved into punk rockers into emo kids then evolved into scene kids then evolved into hipsters? what do you guys think???!!

- mike

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