Wednesday 4 August 2010

Slakah the Beatchild - Enjoy Ya Self

Slakah the Beatchild - Bboy Beef

So I've figured something out today. To be happy you can spend time with friends but you need to have some time for yourself. This includes doing something active and that makes you happy. For me this is Breakin'. I haven't done this for myself for a while maybe that's why I can't seem to think straight. All in all its good to spend time with friends as well as some time to do stuff for yourself, also you must be active to keep yourself healthy as well as study diligently as required.
As a good friend once told me as someone told him "You need to spend just as much time studying as you do dancing(or anything active)". I think what he meant by this is balance and it seems that this a rather difficult subject for me to grasp.


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