Saturday 11 September 2010

End of Summer...

So this post has been long due. Maybe it was a combination of me being lazy or me not wanting to admit summer is over... anyways it was a good summer especially the last months or so. Good times with some amazing people...

Identity Crisis placed 3rd at Flip Hop Competition @ Wonderland. Congrats to them and much love for this crew. Unfortunately all parts of Clear.Concept were unable to be part of it this year but we did show our support... they did amazing so it'd be hard not to support them.

So after all the performing and what not this sexy group of people decided to take advantage of being in Wonderland. This led us to the ride "THE BEHEMOTH" where we rode twice before getting kicked out of the park at 10pm... "Love you guys..." (no homo?)

Even after wonderland we decided it was not time to part just yet.
Late night @ Warren's, playing Identity Crisis the game and eating/drinking this was followed by more chillage and not sleeping and an unfortunate "see you later" to our dear friend Acca who has gone back to her side of Canada.

It may be the end of summer and time to get cracking on those books but it definitely does not mean the end of good times with amazing people...
We'll all meet again i'm sure of it and good times will be had but for now do what you gotta do...


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