Wednesday 15 September 2010

Ich kann nicht schlafen (I can't sleep)

haha weird song but kinda catchy...

Ok... kinda creeped out,
I watched the Last Exorcism last night and kinda stayed up late talking with my roommate. And since I watched that movie i decided to close my door when i slept and when I woke up today my door was wide open... (:S) kinda freaked me out since i have no recollection of this and my mind is rationalizing it with irrational possibilities...

Either I slept walk and opened it or even scarier, my roommate sleep walked from his room and opened it because he knows the code to my room. ( Yes we have codes instead of keys for our rooms here.) But yeah we both have history of sleepwalking, although he has more recent history of doing it...

i think i want to change the code to my room...


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