Sunday 31 October 2010

(First/TopLeft: Quentin Tarantino; Second/Top: Jordan Pundik (lead vocalist of New Found glory; Lastt: Robin Williams)

So I was talking to Mike about Reservoir Dogs (which I have still yet to finish) and  according to Mike Quentin Tarantino looks like the lead vocalist of New Found Glory. Not gonna lie he kinda does. But then while I was looking at pics to post to compare I thought to myself that they also vaguely look like Robin Williams... maybe it's just me ahah, oh well. (I think its the nose and roughly their facial structure.)

And if you guys don't know who New Found Glory, they're an american rock band. They were also one of the bands I listened to in my emo days. Here's one of my favourites from them, but I do warn you Mr. Pundik's voice can be kind of whiny... oh well I still like them as a band.

Enjoy and

New Found Glory - The Story So Far (Acoustic)

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