Thursday 23 December 2010

Happy Holidays...

Ahh end of a decent term. Went by kinda fast (like always).
Just wanna wish you all a Merry Christmas and and Happy New Years... or Kwanzaa or Hanukkah (no discrimination).
Have a safe trip Mike and Happy Holidays Paul.
Kinda sucks that I won't be here for everyone's last term and that I have to work but I'll be sure to visit. But damn it sucks how every time I have to move out I'm always home alone and no it's not as fun as you think when you know that when you come back nothing will be the same.
But that's life and s'all good as long as we keep in touch and don't forget who are friends are. And with that said... SC2 hahaha. It was either that or a PS3 and right now I'm going broke with christmas shoppin for the fam.

Well anyways I gotta finish moving out soo...

"God bless us, every one"
-Tiny Tim



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