Sunday 23 January 2011

Ahh I just got outta the trance of listening to these kinda songs and I get pulled back in.
haha oh well...
I'll get back to reggae/dancehall/soca soontimes.

Good times with some of the best people I know.
Friday watched Shihan the poet and it was an amazing experience. Thanks to Paul for bringing me out to that.
Saturday finally renewed my license (a week before it expires haha). Paid off my credit card bill and bought some cupcakes to share with my buddies in loo. Then finally bussed to loo listening to some reggae/dancehall/soca to get me in the dancing mood. First thing I did when I got there was reach the studio and working (kinda... hah) on some choreo. Then when we had to leave went to Alex's place and filmed the first choreo "concept" hahaha good times for sure. Hopefully get that up soon but no rush yet. Then we decided to reach McMullen's pub/bar for dinner and drinks. It was definitely a fun time especially singing like crazies in the car hahah. Paul and Mike, we should do this more often ahha like every time I reach loo. Then we just chilled for the rest of the night at Mike and Warren's place, watched some spoken word, old hip hop videos, mike play Bioshock and Paul and I had our Domminion v-cards taken haha... get it because it's a card game.... k I'll stop. Then grabbed some McD's at 4 in the morning and passed out after. First Time trying a McGangbang but instead of a junior chicken I had a McChicken which I owe kyle for, my bad.
Come today Sunday, went to church with Me, Mike, Popoz, War and Red. It was a good way to start a beautiful day even though it was freezing. Then grabbed brunch at William's before everyone had to get back to the reality of school and what not. Chilled a bit at Mike's again jamming and what not until I had to bus back to sauga.
Come to think of it, we were jamming to such ... melancholy songs which is why I posted this song ahaha. But now I gotta get back to reality and start back up on my studying before I get to sleep and get up for work again.

This is just a note to my future self of a well spent weekend that I kinda needed.

Also NTS:
Searching and striving for consistency in an inconsistent world is something that makes everyone just a little bit crazy sometimes.

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