Sunday 30 January 2011

Growing pains

I am really blessed to have met her. I FALL for girls all the time. But straight up this time it wasn't a physical attraction that defined how deep I fell. To quote Gemineye, I wanted to "engage her by putting a 24K diamond ring on her mind and marrying her every thought." I told her how I felt. And her answer was the most perfect answer I can ask for. I am glad that we can remain amazing friends. This girl is already the most interesting person I've ever met, we can walk around downtown toronto doing nothing but talk and enjoy the view for hours in the cold. I personally just don't want to fall any harder for her but I won't ignore her or cut her off. That's like having a diamond and covering its shine. What we got is already something special. She can do her and I can do me. If situations were different, who knows. But for now. She's perfect, I'm perfect, we're perfect.

Haha. I post this on blogspot because you guys are people I'm comfortable sharing this with, not my 50 tumblr followers (which I think includes her LOL).

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