Wednesday 12 January 2011


(If you haven't guessed it yet, I am a big fan of scenery.)

So 2010 was an interesting year and I know I am a bit late on this... what's it been, two weeks? But yeah, just wanted to say 2010 was by far the most challenging year so far and the most progressive. Oh and I've found out what my 2011 resolution/goal.
I hereby promise to try my utmost best to balance my life.
I know I'm usually horrible at multi-tasking and I've always kinda been a one track mind. BUT I shall try to fix this. Time management is key and keeping to my schedule is what I must do so that I have that extra time to spend with friends, fam and studying. This year I will get it right just as long as I don't give in to procrastination.

ToDoList2011: (For now)
- Learn how to play at least the 3 songs previously mentioned
- Eat healthy and exercise(dance) regularly (need to get down to 160)
- Buy a piano
The list goes on.


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