Sunday 27 February 2011

Stop Loafting

Ok, I'm going to make this list and it HAS to be completed by June.

1. Get into Medical School (Obviously number 1)
2. Build on tattoo (loaft way too much on this)
3. Lose 10 more pounds (on my way!)
4. Chill/Catch up with old friends before I possibly ship off
5. Quit weed for at least 6 months starting Lent
6. Visit an art show (not AGO, been there done that, but something more independent)
7. 85+ average in school
8. Find a subletter for summer
9. Try Ethiopian food
10. Explore Distillery district, St Lawrence market, and Liberty Village of Toronto... I'm always in Queen West area or around Ryerson, got to expand the horizons.
11. Take the phrase, "That's gay." out of my vocabulary. I slipped up on this one too many times around gay people. Insensitive of me, so I got to work on it.

"The unexamined life is not worth living, but the examined life is often depressing"

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