Sunday 27 March 2011

Black and white!?

been a while since I posted. I actually enjoyed Sucker Punch haha. Didn't seem like the others enjoyed it as much, but whatever I'm a sucker for pretty girls, heavy action, and mind-fuckery.

Well here is a list of music that's been resonating in my ear lobes lately:

Femme Fatale - Aloe Blacc
Actually any music from him really sets the mood to however you want to feel.

You Say - Nikki Awesome and the Royal Society
Heard this from last years Beatdown? or the year before.. one of those. but yeah awesome track no doubt.

Speechless - Ciara
CIARA AINT OUTTA THE GAME JUST YET. You can never change my mind about this:

Ciara > Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, and all them ladies in the game.

Love the black and white classiness. I wonder if people appreciated black and white television much more back then.

"Dont write cheques with your mouth that your ass can't cash."

1 comment:

  1. Hey.. I honestly enjoyed it. But I was hoping she would kick her step-father's a**
