Monday, 25 April 2011


The busyness did not end with exams. haha, been home for only about 3 full days and I've been in Church all those days (but to be fair, I did go bar hopping on saturday after Easter Vigil). My mom already kicked me out of the house to go to Toronto to go find a job. LOL. ah well, I do need the money. OUT HERE GRIDING REAL WORLD MOVEMENTS. hahaha. life. Hope everyone had a blessed and happy Easter. I hope to chill with the clearconcept family and everyone else ASAP. Hopefully I get a job so I can go out more haha.

On a bright note, my grades were finally released from being on hold. Didn't do as well as I liked in one course, the others looked normal. No dean's list this term, buuuut close enough.

Hasn't hit me yet that I'm done with waterloo. LOL. We'll see once the summer weeks drag on. I don't know how accessible I'll be in the next few days because the condo here downtown has no internet and I've been going to ryerson to use their's. Sooo text me if anything aiiiiigh???

To quote J.Lo
"Love is life and life is living. It's very special."


  1. Ahh snap... on that real world grind.
    I'm down to chill soontimes... friday? Mike you down?

    BTW you better visit! Both of you guys haha

  2. yeh. YO was it chem 140L? he totally screwd us over!!

  3. yep. he dun fuck'd me there. ah well I'm done with it. I would wish ill will on the prof, but looking at him... i don't think it'd make his life any harder than it's been lol...

    my brother and I MIGHT throw a jam on friday downtown. aint 100% sure yet. I'll msg u guys if anything. no fb event. it's just word of mouth. how's summer for all of you?
