Sunday, 22 May 2011

Longggg weekend

Friday night reached Liv nightclub for a birthday. Happy birthday Don and Marilyn! Fun night. Club was like 60-40 girl to guy ratio. Venue was nice too. Music was not that memorable for me. Saw enough people at the club and when we reached pho afterward everyone was there. LOL wingman movements with danny all weekend. Too many people to give a shoutout to (plus they probably dont follow this blog anyway).

Saturday, Fun times chilling with the mr clearconcept himself, miss red, and a bunch of others at a club. First time I went to Woo lounge. I like the venue and the music. Wish there were more people there that night but with the repairs on the highway and such I kinda knew it'd be a smaller crowd, but still, live music = live times. Happy birthday to Nestor and Trang!

Was invited out tonight but yeaah I'm exhaustedddddddd.

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