Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Whoa so I had a weird dream...
I dreamed that I was kinda homeless and I owned a dead possum that had fangs.
The possum came back to life and I couldn't sleep, thinking that it would bite me.
Eventually my fear got the best of me and so I held the possum by it's neck and broke off the fangs, but this in turn killed my possum. =( ... What does this meann?


  1. Possum
    To see a possum in your dream, indicates that something may not be what it appears to be. You need to dig deeper and look for the hidden meaning of some situation or circumstance.

    To see fangs in your dream, indicate that you have said some words that have been hurtful to others.

    To dream that you are homeless, indicates that you are feeling insecure. You are unsure of yourself and where you are headed.

    To dream that you or someone is resurrected from the dead, suggests that you will eventually overcome your current obstacles to achieve your goals. It signals an awakening of your spirituality and renewed energy. Alternatively, the dream indicates that the same old problems are coming back to haunt you because they were not properly addressed or dealt with in the first place.


    So my take is you probably said something hurtful to someone and regret it (breaking off the fangs) which can also contribute to the insecurity (homelessness). The possum is anyones guess lol. On the bright side, resurrection meaning you'll overcome the obstacles?

  2. Haha nice you use that site now too.
    Thanks for the analysis I shall heed your insight to my advantage.
    What have you been up to btw Dr. P?

  3. lol been trying to keep busy. i dont go "out out" all the time, probably only weekends like most people haha. weekdays I work out/do chores/run errands/prep for med school/chill/longboard. The weather hasn't been helping.

    I really need to buy a helmet. I was practicing 180 pivots on the longboard and I fell hard today lol. luckily not on my head, but my arm got bruised pretty bad hahaha.

    what have u been up to?

  4. Hah true. Safety first.
    Been trying to stay organized and motivated. So far so good I just need to keep it this way. First hip hop session this Thursday haha, just in case you're in town.

  5. When you get back sonn just let us know
