Monday, 15 August 2011

Soo... this whole school term has just taken me into a dark alley and has done unspeakable things to me. But on a lighter note, I spent the weekend with friends at Kincardine. Awesome town. Awesome hostess. And GTGF (Good Times and Good Friends). Definitly made me feel better... but then I saw marks have begun to appear on the school website... oh well. What is done is done and I can only work harder next term.


  1. so I got a free ticket to W.O.D. because my friend's friend is a promoter and he liked me or something. LOL. but I'm gone haha but can't wait to see what IC does for WOD on youtube. kill it fam!

  2. :) good times....good friends.

  3. Ahh Yeah GTGF.
    Thanks Popoz. I'ma rep hard just for you guy haha ...pause.
