Sunday 15 January 2012


It's around this time in our lives where people begin to graduate, find jobs, establish themselves and set off beginning the foundations for their own families. With Warren off in Alberta, I'm in the caribbean, and even my brother is planning to go to either Chicago or the caribbean depending on if he gets accepted or not. Makes you wonder what things will be like in 1 year? Where will everyone be? I don't even know where I'll be because after my 5th semester in hopefully Michigan, it'll be anybody's guess. Exciting and scary point in our lives. Best of luck to the homie Warren out there doing his thing in the working world. I'm lucky enough to have left Toronto girlfriend-less =P. I can't even imagine how difficult it is for him and Karen. The scary thing is 3 years from now... someone may be married, have kids, their own place, whatever. Rollercoaster of life.

Peace brethren
- Paul

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