Sunday, 12 February 2012

Sexy Sustainability

So I'm not sure if you guys know this but I am a bit of a treehugger, so I enjoy learning about green technology and simple sustainability in life. Two of the major focuses in regards to this are houses and transportation. I am an avid follower of simple living and small homes, and I just happened to find out about this dealio just recently:

The Micro-Compact Home

I definitely wouldn't mind living in a house like this. They even have a green option where they use both solar and wind power for the house. Being believer in the concept of "less is more" and striving for simplicity in life, I could definitely see myself living in a house similar to this. Although I would hope that the house I do end up with be mobile as I would like to travel too.

Randomly enough, I was watching Two & a Half Men where I heard about Tesla Motors. With Nikola Tesla being one of the great minds of technology, I had to look it up. It turns out that Tesla Motors is all about purely electric cars that perform just as good, if not better, than regular cars. Since then I have been following them and they now recently unveiled their new vehicle model. The Model X (as shown below) is like a cross between a minivan and an SUV.

Technology is beautiful if used properly. And I can only imagine what else is coming in the near future.

Just thought I should share that little tid bit haha...

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