Saturday 27 February 2010

hip hop dance?

alright, I can say a lot of things about this video because I agree with most points, but disagree on some... but ill try to keep it short

First of all my arguement will be based on hip hop as a CULTURE not as a genre of music

Now let's see what I agree with in this video:

I do agree that bboying is the original and true dance of hip hop. why? because it is the original dance element of hip hop.

But, there are some things I disagree with in this video:

I disagree with both of them hating on hip hop choreographers who teach routines to hip hop songs. why? because everything in hip hop evolves. the music, especially the MC aspect of hip hop (rapping), has evolved to a point where hip hop now sounds REALLY different from what hip hop sounded like in the past. Can you bboy to every hip hop song that has come out lately? no. So what do you call the kind of dancing that these "hip hop choreographers" teach? i don't want to get into this because someone already has... april rodriguez!/note.php?note_id=161142462636&id=6004003&ref=share

The big problem with hip hop culture today is that hip hop has evolved so much that the genre is blending in with other genres. If you really think about it hip hop culture has expanded to a point where its hard to define hip hop culture with the 4 elements/pillars. Each of the pillars themselves evolved into separate cultures.

Overall, my opinion is that the true hip hop dancers are bboys, but poppin pete and teresa shouldn't reject dancers who dance or freestyle to hip hop music from the hip hop culture.

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