Sunday 21 February 2010

Life has its cracks ... & sometimes you fall in

Inhale but you choke and in an instant you feel it. Like a cold wind encasing your whole being. You know that feeling, the only consistent thing in your life. You lose yourself for a second but that's all it takes - isn't it? Then as if the ground opens up and you fall in. Deeper into the dark recesses of your mind. And there you feel it boiling up. The liquid all around you drowning you, scolding your flesh as the bubbles burst with thoughts that you would hope to forget, but never really do. Its all too familiar, this pain, yours and yours alone. You're so far down you can't even see, someone up top looking for you asking where've you been. No answer. Silent. You don't even bother to try but then again whats the point? You've been through this several times. You've given up several times, you just leave when the going gets tough. Maybe that's all you need some time... time is all you need. This happens time and time again and yet you keep coming back and you don't know why. Maybe if you have enough time you can figure it out and start from there. Work backwards from here. Pick up the cluttered mess in your head and put it back together so that it can heal, stronger. Give yourself another chance and take another breath. Slowly, looking forward passed the crack in the ground and onward to the next step you know you can make.

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