Saturday, 20 February 2010


Talent:Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary

I remember I was having a discussion with a friend quite some time ago and the topic of being talented arose.
She said she wanted to be a talented singer and that she sings but she doesn't think she's talented.

Both of the links given are dictionary definitions of what talent is.
They say something about having some sort of natural aptitude to a certain activity or skill.
I beg to differ.
I believe talent is something you work for, sometimes you don't realize it and sometimes you do.

Some people have said that I am a talented illustrator even though I would disagree with them. But see that skill was not always there I did not randomly gain the 'talent' to draw. It took time and development. I even remember how horrid some of my oldest drawings were horrid. But there were people that encouraged me to continue because I enjoyed it. Its the small compliments that plant a seed into your head that, 'Hey maybe I can do this.' and thats all you need to get started. Then eventually there's more compliments and you work at this skill and make it better which further feed your ego in this ongoing process. Then people realize that you have a talent even though you may or may not have realized how much work you've done to get to this point.

My point being that I believe we are all capable of anything we want to accomplish or anything we want to do. It takes hard work but you can do it, and a little encouragement can do wonders.

So I'd just like to say that whatever it is you want to do just do it. There is nothing to hold you back but yourself. If you really want to do something then find a way to make it happen or else you're lying to yourself and you don't really want it.

I know this has turned into a rather long message but hopefully you get my point. I just had this thought in my head for a while and only now had the time to share it. Just remember its your life you can do what you want.... just as long as its legal haha..


1 comment:

  1. yeah I just watched Princess and the Frog, and they talked about this exact thing. The greats only became great because of all the blood, sweat and tears they poured into training and practice. We all gotta walk before we run.
