Monday, 8 November 2010


[Artificial Intelligence Timeline]:
From Cave Paintings to the Internet A Chronological and Thematic Database on the History of Information and Media

A.I. has always fascinated me and the possible implications of its existence. The moment we achieve A.I. (AKA the Singularity) would be the turning point in human history because it would start an era where humans will no longer be the dominant species as machines will have far greater computing capacities.
For the most part I have viewed it as a good thing and an inevitable progression of our own self destructive nature. We are so determined to progress that we forget the consequences... such as polluting this place we live in and destroying so much of the natural world.

I know it sounds like hippie speak but its a truth that we choose to ignore in order to feel better about ourselves for taking advantage of the luxuries we currently have.
But then again what do I know this is another random post on a blog which is probably stored on some server somewhere the is taking up space and using up electricity...

In other news one of my favourite movies is the movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
It's about a journey of a robot boy just trying to find his way home. I always found it cool since it was a mix of my favourite genres: Adventure and Science Fiction. I do recommend watching it if you do enjoy those genres...


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