Sunday, 7 November 2010

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Warning! Continue on only if you don't mind hearing my views on this situation.

This man makes an interesting point that stuck out to me. It's the fact that we need to change the way our education system works. We should treat it (and I'm paraphrasing) as if we are mining for resources. That line stuck out to me. It's genius because it would be extremely efficient. I strongly believe that people have the capacity to do anything but some people are more inclined to somethings and find other things more enjoyable. So instead of forcing them to change direction, we must guide them in the direction they want.

I understand that we do have that choice now but we are force fed this idea that some of the things we love are not good for a career or they will not get us far in life. His story about Gillian Lynne is really inspiring. His idea makes the most sense because if we were to find out what each person was most inclined to we wouldn't waste time and effort on making them do something they don't want to but also give them the time and effort they would need to excel in whatever it is they're good at.

Honestly my views on jobs and for the future was more along the lines of; We can't all be artists, there needs to be someone working behind the scenes to hold up the world as it is today.
But I do like to point out that I myself enjoy art and dance and other things our society deem not fit to have as a career. At some point in my life I've wanted to be an artist or inventor or even a dancer but I convinced myself that it was stupid and that I would need to find a desk job with good pay. I have my reasons for wanting the money to help people but I've always questioned how would this ever help more than one person at a time.

I know it's not too late and that I have time to change direction but there is probably a way to continue on this path (that I've already walked miles in) and find a way to converge with my other ideas.

We are all built with the same capacities and we all start at square one...
And so I've always thought that we are capable of anything and all it takes is the determination and perseverance to see that goal to the finish. But it's always been difficult if the one thing you are forcing yourself to do isn't what you really want (Well that's the case for me).
But I think even if you have invested most of your time on this one goal there could be a way to bring it back to what you really want to do. For example I am currently a math student majoring in Actuarial Science which honestly I'm doing for the money, but in the end I could use that money to help support people that wish to build a better future much like I've always wanted to do (and I know Act Sci as a job can't necessarily do that). Or my other option is to use that money and go back to school and support myself to finally become the inventor that revolutionizes the world (I have quite a few ideas). But only time can tell where I go with this...

Just my two cents...
(hehe get it two cents = 2 = deuces... hah .. yeahh)

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