Sunday, 14 November 2010

Nice & Smooth - Sometimes I Rhyme Slow

I was driving this weekend from Hamilton to Waterloo (just about 1 hour drive) and just chillin' listening to music with my buddy. Note that this was just about 4-5 in in the morning. And the song above ^ came on. Personally it's one of my favourite songs because I can listen to it whenever and it'll still be good. Another song which I really like is the following song from which the first song posted, had sampled the beat. Both very chill, tragic songs but that's what makes them so good.
Both speak of the reality of life and not just some hollow lyrics about partying...

Tracy Chapman - Fast Car

Honestly, I sometimes feel that I'm really an old boring man stuck in a young 20-something year old's body. But if that means that I get to enjoy good music and not care what people think then so be it. I do enjoy classical music, doo-wop, motown and generally songs with some substance in them. This might explain why I'm behind on the music scene most of the time, but that's only because I'm too busy listening to other songs that actually mean something to me and make a connection with me. I can't say I really relate with the whole partying scene because it is fun but most of the time I prefer more casual or even intimate situations...

That's all I gotta say.
From the boring old man...

Good day.

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