Monday 31 January 2011

WARNING! This song gets loud and emo... you've been warned.

Ever had those dreams where you're trying to run or fight someone and yet you feel as if your arms and legs have gotten heavier. You can barely run and you can't fight back. That feeling of not being able to do something takes over you. I've had a few of those dreams lately and now I feel it even when I'm awake...
So I looked it up.

To dream that something is too heavy, symbolizes your burdens, work load and responsibilities. You are carrying too much on your shoulders and need to prioritize. Take a break and lighten up.
[Slow Motion]:
To dream that you are moving in slow motion, suggests that you are feeling powerless, anxious or frustrated. You are currently going through a hard time in your waking life and experiencing tremendous stress, which is almost immobilizing you.
[Taken from]

It kinda puts into perspective how I feel at the moment. I'm frustrated with work where I don't feel like I'm making a significant contribution or being challenged at all. This leads to me underachieving and slacking. I have no motive to do any work at work or studying when I'm at home. I realize that I'm slacking and yet I can't get myself out of it because even if I force myself to do work my mind shuts down or wanders elsewhere. I don't know if I'm experiencing tremendous stress but I do know that I just want a break right now, but I know I can't have it.

Ahh when does this life end and living begin?

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