Monday 31 January 2011

Wow for a minute there I almost convinced myself that I need to be something either than myself. Honestly I'm more of a simple person with wild dreams but this does not include a life where I'm constantly partying and feel the need to prove myself to strangers. I know who I am and that is not me. I can drink but not to get drunk. I can dance but I do not have to do it at a club. I can update my look but not to try and change someones opinion of me.
My buddies were thinking in the right direction. I just need to embrace who I am and the rest will follow.

Today was a good day though, went to church even though I was out late last night (I wouldn't want to miss it), lunch with the whole family (its been a while but it's always good), and yeah finally updated a bit of my wardrobe. I reached Vaughan Mills with Jo and Criselda who helped me figure out new shiet I can wear both casually and at work. It was fun to spend the afternoon with some of my oldest friends giving their honest opinion on how I dress ahaha. Also grabbed Ben & Jerry's which was delicious, I had a cookies and cream shake. Then had dinner with them at pickle barrel and surprisingly they decided to treat me haha. Thank you girls haha I'll get you back one of these days.

All in all ... I forgot to study and damn I gotta catch up. Need to finish reading by the end of this week for the latest so I can review all of next week for sure. Ahh ACT SCI!!! Why must you be so difficult? (-_-)
But once I get past it I have time to relax. Hoping to dance more, practice music more (including buying that piano), and chill with ALL my friends who I really do care about and don't want to lose touch with. That's one of my biggest problems, I'm horrible at keeping in touch with the people that mean something in my life. And so I made it my New Year's Resolution to be more social and make the extra effort.

So Take It Easy world and good night friends, past, present and future. I'll be back (No Terminator)

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