Monday 14 February 2011

Real Talks, Real Jokes

I love when my friends in toronto have NO filter at all. They just go off. To some people it's rude, it's mean, it's not cool, but to me I find it hilarious and if anything, a start to an actual conversation and exchange of ideas, especially if I don't agree with them or they don't agree with me.

The funny shit that they tell me... LOL.
k so I have this friend who was knocked up but she also complained that she didn't feel anything during the sex(ie. no orgasm on her part). So my other friend told her, "yo, your man is ruuuuuude LOL. knocks you up and you don't get to finish? LOL that baby is going to grow up sad and shit because he wasn't born out of a mutual orgasm."

I DIED of laugher. she found it funny too btw LOL.

Sigh.... It's amazing catching up with my old mains. I love the blunt unfiltered hilarious talks. It's rude, it's obscene, but it's comforting to be with people that comfortable around me to say that stuff.

PS. Won volleyball game. It was ok. lol

Back in loo! 2 more midterms then it's reading week! To my UW people, after reading week I should be in loo more often. I promise myself to be. My bad for being MIA for awhile. I hope to have real talks with you guys too and make some memories during my last term.

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