Sunday 10 July 2011

Pet Peeve.

I REALLY hate it when I see/hear filipino kids, especially "hype beasts" using the n-word. The word holds so much weight that people do not understand. To some people it is a word of oppression and pain, to others, control over the word and its use gives power. But as people who will NEVER and I mean NEVER understand the black struggle in its entirety (because obviously we are not black), PLEASE stop saying it on your tumblrs, as a facebook greeting to your little asian hype beast friends, on your little twitter conversations and worse of all in day to day conversation. It disappoints me to see members of the filipino club which I was apart of use the word. I actually told one girl about the pet peeve a couple months ago, she apologized and corrected herself but she still uses it heavily today. Old habits die hard... ah well. Just venting because tumblr/twitter today just made me pissed and if I did post this on my twitter/tumblr/facebook... those very kids would see and I don't feel like cussing them off publicly. I told one of them privately but who knows, maybe if I'm really in a bad mood and really think they need that hypothetical slap in the face I will put them on blast publicly.

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