Sunday, 27 November 2011

Just wanted to say

Congrats on that OUCH performance. I like that it's getting Rawwwwwwww. like bloody steak raw, like send that chicken back to finish cooking I'm going to get salmonella raw, like you picked up a coconut and didnt bother breaking it open but took a bite outta that shit because you jus as raw as the coconut type raw. Congrats on the co-op position too! LOL. I loved Carleton though ;) but you know me LOL. I am realllyyy surprised ya'll didn't place though. but whatever, better to be the team everyone believes deserved to place than the team that placed but everyone believed didn't deserve it.

Keep doing what you're doing.
Love the song selection, love the performance, love you guys.

- Paul


  1. Just watched Fo'reals... Daaaaaaaaamn both of yours and careltons got me off of my seat in this study area. I'm surprised still. Music and hype on pointttttt.

  2. True. Thanks bruh. Yeah UTSG, Ryerson and Carleton killed it.

  3. ahhh tbh i didnt like carleton that much... i think waterloo shouldve taken their place haha. but yehhhh check out the event page. hehehehe funny stuff!

  4. yeah more I watch carleton. more boring it got.. hypes gone for that one. lol I jus did on my brothers facebook. LOL wow a lot of things went wrong huh? I couldnt tell with the youtube vids. thats messed. hopefully better next year.

  5. wowwww had no idea how much drama was in this OUCH. there always is drama but this shit kray. LOL. I'm really surprised at who the judges chose top 3. =/ smh. not feeling the top 3...

  6. Top 3 should have been Ryerson UTSG Waterloo in whatever order.

  7. Haha well I enjoyed Carleton's performance regardless of placing. Plus I met some of those girls and they were pretty cool ;), even after the fact that they had to restart their performance as well.
    By the way, thanks Mr. H.A.S. haha
