Sunday, 12 May 2013

Webcam Munny pt.1

I took a munny that my sister failed to complete, so now I'm gonna be making myself a new one! There are 2 different head designs I have to decide between:
- the more agressive one on the left
- the softer looking one on the right

whats that on it's forehead? a fuckin webcam!

I've been itching to make a munny that actually had a function and this is my chance.

- mike

Sunday, 20 January 2013

I've always wanted to be a Renaissance Man or Polymath and now I think I'll add Polyglot. lol

Monday, 7 January 2013

Philosophizing with a 17yr old... People are quick to label themselves and others in order to make sense of the world around them. Unfortunately this can serve to confuse us even further. It isn't who we are inside that defines us but what we do. Lol. But we shouldn't necessarily define ourselves, instead liberate ourselves from the arbitrary boundaries that keep us from seeing how all these "definitions" blur together.