Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Aww kinda brings back that old Disney feeling. I approve Haha
To get a PS3 or not get a PS3, that is the question...

Monday, 28 March 2011

Random Thought:

In order to be respected you must first be an example of it.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Black and white!?

been a while since I posted. I actually enjoyed Sucker Punch haha. Didn't seem like the others enjoyed it as much, but whatever I'm a sucker for pretty girls, heavy action, and mind-fuckery.

Well here is a list of music that's been resonating in my ear lobes lately:

Femme Fatale - Aloe Blacc
Actually any music from him really sets the mood to however you want to feel.

You Say - Nikki Awesome and the Royal Society
Heard this from last years Beatdown? or the year before.. one of those. but yeah awesome track no doubt.

Speechless - Ciara
CIARA AINT OUTTA THE GAME JUST YET. You can never change my mind about this:

Ciara > Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, and all them ladies in the game.

Love the black and white classiness. I wonder if people appreciated black and white television much more back then.

"Dont write cheques with your mouth that your ass can't cash."

Friday, 25 March 2011



I do realize these posts have become less creative. Patience. Inspiration will come... hopefully haha.

Thursday, 24 March 2011


Weezer - Island In The Sun

Frank Ocean - Strawberry Swing

Why is it taking so long for spring/summer to get here... seriously?

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Lauryn Hill (HQ) - Tell Him

Beautiful song that I usually start my day with.
It may or may not be evident but faith plays a big part in my life and there have been several instances that have shown me that I am headed in the right direction. Listening to this just about every morning makes me remember what I'm doing this all for and where I'm headed and I enjoy the fact that someone was able to put their faith into song.

But if there is one thing I've learned it is that you cannot make anyone believe or have faith in anything. That alone is a choice they must make.

And so I implore YOU to believe in something and find your way. I'm not saying you have to conform to some religion. Just have faith, believe in yourself, the people around you and that there will always be something better to work towards.

Sorry to ramble about random philosophical ideas but I just felt like sharing. Feel free to take this into consideration or just completely disregard it... your call

Monday, 21 March 2011

Random Thought:

Let the world inspire you.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

New tip

Might as well expand the horizons. Some new music which I don't usually listen to but can't help but listen to these and just float.

The artist is called The Weeknd

Pretty dope.

Cultural dancing on a hoe- nuhva- lehvuhhh

imagine we had filipino clubs in ontario universities that had cultural dance battles at this level. I'd totally audition.
formations and transitions can really make a dance stand out... oh, and so can doing tinikling blindfolded.
blows my mind...


Friday, 18 March 2011

Bob marley "no woman no cry" 1979

I'm pretty sure this is the only song I recognized last night.
Also I think this is the first time seeing a Bob Marley performance... coolio.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Sidenote: I don't usually celebrate St. Patrick's day but today was fun. Shoutout to Spina, Happy birthday bro... even though I don't think you read this but t'was fun.
Who is this Rebecca Black girl? Honestly I've even been converted to appreciate Bieber's talent but this girl sounds kinda like Ke$ha ... but worse - no hate - but really if she gets big like beiber then I don't know where this music industry is headed too and frankly I don't quite like it.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

BOB MARLEY - Jammin'

Guten Morgen to everyone out there.
This goes out to you... "I want to Jammin' with you."

Take it easy...

Monday, 14 March 2011

The days seem to be getting brighter...


Les Twins

LES TWINS "An Industry Ahead" | YAK FILMS | Music by B'zwax & Lafa Taylor

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Just breathe

Been stressing a lot with school lately. Still am. But taking a minute or two, or maybe non stop playing this song just helps me relax. I'm getting a lot of work done despite how much I still have to do. Got to take the little victories before I win the war.



GLEE: thriller/heads wil roll official video

This mix is honestly amazing... do universities have crazy glee clubs like this? if so sign me up.
Sometimes you just have to dance... unhindered, without thinking.
Just the music and you.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Random Thought:

Why is it that the hardest person to understand is always yourself?

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - "Dream a Little Dream of Me"

Sometimes I feel as if I lived in another time and another place...

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Maxwell - Pretty Wings

Shouts to Popoz. I'm pretty sure you showed me this song before.
Good song found another friend that posted it.

Monday, 7 March 2011

I have this weird feeling that everything has restarted. Probably because I feel brain dead again. I feel like I just need a week vacation off to some random place. I need some excitement in my otherwise bland life of routine. I need to experience life. Anyone down for a random road trip somewhere? Buffalo? Montreal? I dunno...

I feel like a blank slate ready for just about any experience. Come at me world.

Guilty pleasure haha...

Friday, 4 March 2011



kickass epic awesomness

epic overload.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Munny Template

I guess to start I'll print a few of these out to see what I want :S

- mike

Random Thought:

The one thing that makes us human isn't our flaws or our triumphs.
It is the amazing ability to understand anything and anyone.
Some of the greatest people who have ever lived, had in some way, understood something that others had neglected to see.
We neglect certain things BECAUSE we do not understand it and therefore we question/fear it.
Therefore I implore YOU to understand that which you do not.
In this information age it should not be such a difficult task.


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Keone Madrid | Girl is Mine

Aww Keone and Mari finally engaged. Congrats to them. And sick choreo. ahaha

Robin Thicke

There's a song for every situation hahaha.

"Robin Thicke wrote 'Lost without you' with a glass of wine in one hand and his other hand embracing his gorgeous wife... so tell me, how did he write it?" - my friend Vincent on his idol.
Got my head hurting, knees weak. Don't wanna get out of bed.
Sometimes it comes from nowhere and you're smitten.
You can't sleep, all you do is toss and turn all night long...