Tuesday 31 May 2011

Mya - Lock U Down ft. Lil Wayne

... last one I swear.
Christina Milian - Dip It Low

... just remembered this woman too... gatDang!
Mya - My Love Is Like...Wo

Oh man Mya... loving the long wavy hair, caramel skin and the curves. Popoz can keep his Mariah just as long as I got Mya. haha

Saturday 28 May 2011

Dorian Gray

This was one creepy movie. Narcissism, debauchery, and human folly...
I should probably sleep now seeing as it's 5am but I fear that I will have nightmares now haha.
Battle: Los Angeles

It's been a bit since I've had time to watch a movie but damn this was a good one to watch. Plenty of action, the characters had depth, and they actually managed to prove me wrong on my views as to why aliens would invade (mentioned in a previous post).
Well now, isn't this just precious (>:D) *creeper smile*

Cat Hugs Baby Kitten Having Nightmare

Cat Hugs Baby Kitten Having Nightmare - Watch more Funny Videos

Thursday 26 May 2011

Honestly, is it just me or are washroom stalls a f**kin mission to get out of. I swear I have to spread my legs and hover over the toilet in order to open the door and get out. Who ever designed those stalls to open inward, is an idiot...

even a couple of groups on facebook agree
I HATE bathroom stall doors that open in.

Why do bathroom stall doors open toward the toilet?!?!?!
stupid public washrooms...

comin home

I'll be coming home soon! I got some snacks for you guys, hope u like!
gonna miss the beach, the fam and the food, but I've been missing home too...

- mike

Wednesday 25 May 2011





Been in love with NYC and just East Coast culture. Especially after I got to go around the distillery district in Toronto followed by harbourfront in Toronto. The East coast has this feel and culture that cannot be imitated anywhere else in the world.
AcaBellas - Mad World

Good friend of mine in AcaBellas (university acapella club) doing a rendition of Gary Jules' Mad World.

... man I need to find time to join a club like this. But first I need to get on top of all this damn work. I'm still not as good at multitasking as I thought I was. Haven't even been blogging as of late. I need more efficient technology like a smart phone, but I believe it would only add to my inability to multitask. Le Sigh. I'll get it right one of these days.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Longggg weekend

Friday night reached Liv nightclub for a birthday. Happy birthday Don and Marilyn! Fun night. Club was like 60-40 girl to guy ratio. Venue was nice too. Music was not that memorable for me. Saw enough people at the club and when we reached pho afterward everyone was there. LOL wingman movements with danny all weekend. Too many people to give a shoutout to (plus they probably dont follow this blog anyway).

Saturday, Fun times chilling with the mr clearconcept himself, miss red, and a bunch of others at a club. First time I went to Woo lounge. I like the venue and the music. Wish there were more people there that night but with the repairs on the highway and such I kinda knew it'd be a smaller crowd, but still, live music = live times. Happy birthday to Nestor and Trang!

Was invited out tonight but yeaah I'm exhaustedddddddd.

Saturday 21 May 2011

I attribute my distaste for humanity based on my antecedents but it is through them that I can see the flaws of a fragile world.
And it is through my faith and for my descendants that I see the world as it should be, my lingering hope for the future of humanity.

Random Thought:

Humanity is a flawed existence in which no one can escape.
We are all trapped by our own flaws along with the flaws of those around us.
The only freedom is to understand one's self and those around.

Friday 20 May 2011

Project Warrior Dash is progressing once again. Stupid rain has kept me at bay but today I was able to get in a little run since the skies cleared. Every practice I am one step closer to my goal and one step closer to being a WARRIOR!


Tuesday 17 May 2011

Whoa so I had a weird dream...
I dreamed that I was kinda homeless and I owned a dead possum that had fangs.
The possum came back to life and I couldn't sleep, thinking that it would bite me.
Eventually my fear got the best of me and so I held the possum by it's neck and broke off the fangs, but this in turn killed my possum. =( ... What does this meann?

Monday 16 May 2011

So... yeah S**t Kingz did choreo to a song I wanted to do.
And yet I shall take it as a challenge!
Bring it ON!!! ahhaha

Saturday 14 May 2011

Cause I'm leaving on a jetplane

First of all thanks for all the congrats!

Looking through my facebook (which I never do) and seeing people who entered U. Waterloo with me in my program and what they are doing now or this coming fall it’s amazing to see how many different paths they are all taking. It’s not as simple as, school, get degree, get career anymore. I have friends in places like Australia and England finishing up their education. Got more people from my program who graduted but continuing education as a nurse or physicians assistant. And ofcourse the many people who are still searching for what to do next.

I’ve wanted to get into medical school for awhile and now that I have it feels surreal. I don’t know what else to do this summer. I spent the summer so far just worrying about getting in or not. I honestly don't feel like partying/getting drunk/getting high or whatever. If anything, I want to go sky diving (done already but I'll go again), white water rafting (done already but I'll go again), bungee jumping, eat fugu. I don't know lol, I feel like doing something adventurous. In the meantime I guess I'll just longboard.

I do wish I smartened up and didn’t slack my first couple years of university and maybe I wouldn’t have had to go to a medical school in the Caribbean (Ross University) but seeing as this is possibly my last and only chance it is one I am going to take. 16 months on the island of Dominica doesn’t sound too bad, and after that there are clinical rounds all over the states including many in chicago (I WANT), new york, miami, and they had a couple placements back in Canada. I know Caribbean medicals schools have a negative stigma about them especially compared to Canadian ones. I know that this will drive me to become an even better doctor to prove all of them wrong.

To all those still working and searching for what to do next. You guys are in my prayers (Seriously, I've been going to church everyday since last wednesday)and I know with the amount of work you guys are putting in, it will soon pay off.

"If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants"

Without the people I have known and spent time with at UW. None of this would be possible. Thanks for the congratulations but more importantly thank you for making UW what it was and playing a role in making this dream possible.

Friday 13 May 2011

Making real life movements.

Mad Love and Respect to Popoz... Congrats guy.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Note to Self:

You cannot study in your room despite what you convince yourself.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

I fear that I am an uninteresting and an unengaged person.
HOLY SHIET... (O_O) I did not know someone was crazy enough to do this...

Dar Robinson Jumps Off the CN Tower 1980

Efficient Living

Honestly, I dislike huge spaces and I like to make the most of what I have.
I've always wanted to create a living space for myself and I have a couple ideas.
Here are a few examples that I find pretty innovative.

One day I will create a Mobile living space that can travel around the world and still have everything I need... kinda like Howl's Moving Castle... but cooler haha.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Sometimes its good to have someone that can tell you the truth straight up. That way you know what to improve on.

Now here is a clip from one of my favorite Disney movies. I've always enjoyed this song as well as this movie, it gives me a sense of hope and belonging, and that I am capable of anything.

Hercules - I Can Go The Distance (Full in English)

Friday 6 May 2011

Random Thought:

It is nearly impossible to fully understand someone if they first, do not understand themselves.

Thursday 5 May 2011

First week back to loo. First bomber. Interesting start to another semester.
But man do I feel like doodoo right now haha. I'ma nap before class...

heres some music to pass the time...
Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand Official Video

this was definitely playing last night... i think

Sunday 1 May 2011


going to Philippines soon!
so my kuya from the Philippines invited me to play some airsoft...

Summer weeks are fast

Been a very quick first week and a half of summer. Probably met more new people this past week and a half than I did the whole last term of school. I guess I'll keep my facebook just a little while longer instead of deleting it as planned. Been good times with good people. I JUST NEED A JOB FOR SOME PAPER TO GO OUT. and hopefully I get that acceptance letter soooon.

How's everyone's summer?