Friday 29 July 2011


Drake - Marvins Room

Frank Ocean - Thinkin Bout You

Cam'Ron - Hey Ma ft. Juelz Santana

3 tracks I just recently added to my music library...


Tuesday 26 July 2011

Ryan Leslie - "One Lonely Heart" World Premiere (Live in Switzerland)

WTF is wrong with me. I feel like sh*t. I feel like I'm freezing and I have a damn headache. Is this a fever? Why the f*ck is this happening now right when exams are coming up and the Beatdown is less than two weeks away... FML

Monday 25 July 2011

Mad (Ne-Yo) dance

Another SYTYCD piece recommended to me. Dope routine. This style is perfect for a concept video, which reminds me I have to get my sh*t together so I can finally get my ideas out there. Good song and a pretty decent interpretation of it. I need a home-girl to make choreography like this...

Saturday 23 July 2011

Bleeding Love - Hip-Hop

Chelsie Hightower & Mark Kanemura's hip-hop routine choreographed by NappyTabs!

... pretty dope routine but honestly the boundaries of what is considered as hip hop these days, is very blurred. Nice routine nonetheless.

Kherington & Twitch (Contemporary) - Dreaming With A Broken Heart

Kherington Payne and Stephen 'tWitch' Boss (aka. Twitchington) dance a Contemporary routine choreographed by Mia Miachaels, to 'Dreaming With A Broken Heart' by John Mayer. This dance is better known as 'the Bed routine'.

Another good watch.

Friday 22 July 2011

My new home?

Ahhh Housing database just opened up and this is my number 1 and probably only choice. It has a laundry machine which is apparently rare on the island. hahaha. Hopefully I get it. Plus the place is call Safehome apartments. Pretty nice ring to it.

Thursday 21 July 2011

So posts have been kinda trickling in and summer is pretty hectic especially with school and all so for now I will just post a couple pictures. I tend to enjoy scenery and so I find myself acting like a tourist most of the time and stopping to capture images that I believe are pretty cool. And so here are some pictures that I have taken lately...

Wednesday 20 July 2011

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Sunday 17 July 2011


first single in 6 years, what do you think?

- Mike

Wednesday 13 July 2011

A little bible study

Verse of the day:
1 Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity


Started out stressed today but things turned up by the end of it.
Did a statistics quiz which I felt confident in despite the lack of late night studying. Worked on a group project with a couple of Caribbean friends. I mention their ethnicity not because of racism but because I love the accent and they just lightened up my day with their funny banter towards each other. Went to UW Hip Hop performance practice and found that everyone was working hard and that other students stepped up and helped each other, which is a great relief on my part because I was feeling alone in this part. Taught an impromptu class for the UW Hip Hop session. I ended up teaching the Dub-step Collaboration Choreography that Mike and I did. Good times and the kids picked it up quick, which makes me happy as long as they have a good time.

Overall it was a decent day and it just goes to show that even when you think/feel completely lost and alone there are always people there willing to help and make you feel better without even knowing it, if you allow them that is.
The One You Say Goodnight To - Kina Grannis (Official Music Video)

If you know me then you know my unhealthy obsession with Kina Grannis. Here's a recent music video she just posted and man how I wish I was that guy in the video. Something about her long wavy hair, captivating smile and humble/cute/pretty style, has got me smitten. I am a victim of her charms...


Tuesday 12 July 2011

Burial - Shell of Light (Shlohmo Remix)
I think I'm just about due for a mental meltdown any minute now...

Monday 11 July 2011

Sometimes I just wanna be a little selfish, drop everything and disappear to do my own thing...

Sunday 10 July 2011

Pet Peeve.

I REALLY hate it when I see/hear filipino kids, especially "hype beasts" using the n-word. The word holds so much weight that people do not understand. To some people it is a word of oppression and pain, to others, control over the word and its use gives power. But as people who will NEVER and I mean NEVER understand the black struggle in its entirety (because obviously we are not black), PLEASE stop saying it on your tumblrs, as a facebook greeting to your little asian hype beast friends, on your little twitter conversations and worse of all in day to day conversation. It disappoints me to see members of the filipino club which I was apart of use the word. I actually told one girl about the pet peeve a couple months ago, she apologized and corrected herself but she still uses it heavily today. Old habits die hard... ah well. Just venting because tumblr/twitter today just made me pissed and if I did post this on my twitter/tumblr/facebook... those very kids would see and I don't feel like cussing them off publicly. I told one of them privately but who knows, maybe if I'm really in a bad mood and really think they need that hypothetical slap in the face I will put them on blast publicly.

Saturday 9 July 2011

True. Just finished my first marathon dealy today. I admit it was strenuous but not as bad as I thought it would be. There was a lot more running up and down hills then there were 'obstacles'. The obstacles were fun no doubt: Trekking through mud, weaving through ropes, army crawl in darkness, crawling and climbing over cargo nets, scaling hay bales, jumping on cars, running through tires, climbing on a rope over a wall, going down a muddy slip-n-slide, jumping over fires and crawling under 'barbed wires' in mud. Honestly it was a great experience and I would do it again but this time train properly by running up and down hills all day ahaha. I got a decent tan on my arms and face but my body is definitely more pale... I should work to even that out.

Now that this race is over I can focus on other things I need to accomplish. Like school ahah.

On to the next one...
King Bones & DJ Aaron in "Finger Food" New York City Subway | YAK FILMS Flexing Bonebreaking

creepy shiet... but dope vid nonetheless

Friday 8 July 2011

The Weeknd - 'What You Need' Music Video

On that Weeknd-SlakahTheBeatChild-FrankOcean-RaphaelSaadiq tip lately. I dunno why...
Slakah The Beatchild - The Cure

Slakah the Beatchild ftw. Man's music is pretty dope. Stuck on loop.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Sometimes I wish my fam were closer. No doubt I am blessed but sometimes it felt like strangers living under the same roof. Just sayin...

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Summer in review

May and June have been hectic. lol a good hectic though. Non-stop chilling and everything. My birthday just passed, and now summer seems to be slowing down a bit more to a more chill/lazy summer day pace. Got a quote on my tattoo extension.... 4 bills.. faaack. Going to see if I can find a place to do it for 250-300. I wouldn't mind going to school next week if given the opportunity. lol I need a vacation from vacation. I want to get back on that grind. Move on with my life already haha, 2 months is enough to just chill/loaft. A part of me wishes I didn't tell everyone the date of my flight, and pull some Lord of the Rings thing and just slip on the ring and disappear. hahaha. Bilbo Baggins. Hope you guys are having a live summer still. ez.
FML. Why can't I focus?

Monday 4 July 2011

Finally made it and ran 5km. For me that is a great goal that I never thought I'd reach but with persistence and training I made it.

Random Weekend

So this was a pretty interesting weekend.

10am-2:30pm: UWHH performance practice and the actual performance at Canada Day festivities. Taught some big kids and small kids the macarena and how to dougie. Twas fun and hot out.
2:30pm-8pm: Watched the AcaBellas perform, went on a slip-n-slide... twice, walked barefoot from CIF to SLC and then practiced for IC.
8pm-10pm: Then went to Sushi Star after practice.
10pm-4am: Later at night had a little jam at a friend's place with peoples. Not going to lie I got pretty drunk.

11am-4pm: Slept in a bit and was late for IC practice which went on until 4pm.
4pm-9pm: Then went to watch Transformers 3, which was pretty dope.
9pm-12:30am: Played some Identity Crisis while eating croissants and ice cream cake. 12:30am-2am: Then got my shit together, ready to leave, and find Wrn chilling outdoors so we end up getting some fireworks and setting them off. Talking to random drunk strangers. Driving to sauga at 2 in the morning.

9am-4pm: Church. Groceries. Chilled at home for a bit.
4pm-5pm: Go Bus back to Loo.
5pm-8pm: Meet up with Wrn again and random trip to Waterloo Park (pause). Went to petting zoo. Climbed the big tree in Alx's yard. Kyl met up with us and joined us in the tree. Ori then comes and finds us in the tree.
8pm-12:30am: Dinner and drinking at McGinnis. Neck pains. Rainbow our waitress.
12:30am-2am: Set off more fireworks in the darkness of Columbia Lake fields. Pissing outdoors. Chilling at Alx's. Find out what MapleStory is, eating cheetos and real talk.

Overall, a pretty random weekend. But always -
Good Times, Good Friends.

P.S. It was Popoz' birthday this past Friday. Happy Birthday again bro-ski, hope you had a good weekend.