Tuesday 30 November 2010

Mint Royale Singing in the Rain

Sick song and video, I personally think.

Earth Week Breakdance

Breakin' noob back in highschool, when big baggy clothes were still "in".

...possible new concept who knows.
Remy Zero - Save Me

It feels like 2007 all over again...
(gotta catch up with this show)

Monday 29 November 2010

Pursuit Of Happiness (Megaforce Version)
.Roomate Pic (new profile pic?)

.failed attempt at the "DayDay"

.fun times with UWHH fam

.only decent pic taken all the others were pretty shaky...
(NTS: You cannot take pictures while intoxicated. You can't keep still)


Sunday 28 November 2010

Children Full of Life

Documentary: Children Full of Life

Just watched this and no lie I teared up a bit. I know softtt but whatever I'm not afraid to say I can be at times. It's a good watch, no doubt, and I do recommend watching it.

It's too REAL. The kids are unhindered and intelligent for their age and the teacher is a wise man making a difference in the lives of his students.
If only there were more teachers like this when I was younger. It feels as if all teachers want to do now a days is cram you with information then DIP outta there with their cheques.
Empathy is the greatest thing.

"Let people live in your heart."
Before the show...
.chillin backstage with the team
."Are you part of the team?" - "Yeah. For sure. U-DUB!!!"
.getting "lost" and getting liquor in Hamilton
.sneaking back in backstage
.waiting inside for the show to start. no need to wait in a line haha
.getting some of the sickest seats in the house
.Before the show when we snuck in to get the balcony seats

.post OUCH... craAzy show. No Doubt.

performance vid soon to be posted...
shiiiet 7am...
this is how we do.

Only five hours of sleep as usual.
... and Still doing the dougie haha.
Haven't let loose like that in a while.
All love for my UWHH fam.

Saturday 27 November 2010


bringin the pain in 2008

the tribute 2009

peace ouch
- mike

Hey Red...

finally got the chance to see this recommended video hahaha...
It's pretty random... andd... interesting. Hah.

Die Prinzen - Gabi und Klaus

So after my panic attack I decided to accept my fate as it comes to me. I've done what I could and now only hope for the best. So to take my mind off it all I've been dancing since my classes ended at 1:30 today.
So far I've started a collabo with Mike and JP with possible concept vid.
Started brainstorming concepts with Alex and Mike (although initially we were suppose to film but had nothing to show for it). Gotta get this ball rolling.
And I'm glad to say I've started my long journey to developing my power moves...

So I know I posted this before but I just wanted to post it again...
I really like this song and I feel that the choreography goes well with it.

First Routine Together - Hani/Tara-Jean (Replacement)

here are two other sets from SYTYCD that a friend showed me after showing her that first one (^). I actually like them. They're a bit abstract at some parts but still good.

SYTYCD-Mia Michaels-Addiction-Emmy Nom

Mia Michaels Choreography - This Moment

Friday 26 November 2010

just about to take a huge hit.
all progress made... useless...

Thursday 25 November 2010

just found the right song for my next choreo.

Musiq Soulchild - Teach Me How To Love

I realized that everyone I looked up to in UW HipHop had done choreo to Musiq Soulchild.
JustFriends - Hugh
TheReason - Martin
Lullaby - Dan (never had the chance to learn this but it was pretty sick)

Each choreo was pretty memorable... even though I don't remember all the moves.
And that lead me to cop'n all of Musiq Soulchild's albums which led me to this song.
Maybe I can think of a concept/location for it since that's also been on my to-do list for who knows how long.
Ian Eastwood-"So Beautiful"

Was this posted already? I can never really remember or keep track...

Need to find me a good soul-ful song like this one to choreo to. Gotta change up the pace from all this gangsta music and what nots.

Also... I want to make a concept video soontimes before this year is over.

Wednesday 24 November 2010


Ever since that Squirrel Incident I've been watching the squirrels every time I walk around campus, especially on my way home from classes.
I've noticed them putting on some winter weight and I don't know why but I just find it funny. What really gets me is when they try to run, haha. They're considerably slower and it looks like they struggle a bit and yet I can't help but laugh to myself every time I see them...
[Note: They're not that fat, but still funny looking haha.]

Ingat kayo


never wanted to press anything more to my lips than this. Not even Jessica Alba's soft lips or the thick juicy ones of Megan Fox.

I want you.
I want to taste you.
I want you inside of me.
I want you to leave me looking like shit because w/o each other we're nothing.

When will you be mine.
Burger King's Whopper Pizza, only available in NYC.

Tuesday 23 November 2010


Sometimes I don't completely hear what a person is saying to me and yet I still answer. At times my answer doesn't even make sense when I think about it after...

I wonder if anyone notices...

Monday 22 November 2010

N.O.R.E. - Nothin'

Not sure If anyone posted this earlier. Oh well...
So just found out I'm teaching for UW Hip Hop tomorrow. (Unhhhhh nuh NA nuh NA...)
Just finished the choreo. Hope they like it, I actually do.

Blu & Exile Ft. Miguel Jontel-First things First (With Lyrics)

New Song for a new choreo...
I know I still have 6 other pieces in the making but I really wanna do this song its a different vibe from the others.


Sunday 21 November 2010

Pride and Prejudice (2005)

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but I'm a sucker for chick flicks. It's a guilty pleasure of mine as I'm sure it is for a few other guys out there.
I just finished watching this movie and I really did enjoy it, especially Keira Knightley's character - a woman who is "intelligent, lively, attractive, and witty".

Also sidenote:
I'd like to get my hands on one of those coats that Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy (man shown above) wears during the movie. Don't know why but I like the look ahah...

Corinne Bailey Rae - Like A Star

Soo Good.
She's now become a consistent part of my life. I hear her in the morning and right before I sleep (no creeper).
She's just so soothing and the closest thing that I'll have to someone singing to me right now.

So like a lullaby, sing me sweet songs as I fade into the recesses of my mind...

Saturday 20 November 2010

Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid (1989)

So I've pretty much loafted and instead of doing work I watched this Disney movie. I don't know why I haven't seen such an amazing movie but better late than never...

what's next ... jungle book?

Finally got around to watching this.
It was, needless to say, a good watch. I do recommend it if you still haven't watched it.

The Rapture - "Get Myself Into It"

The Rapture - "Get Myself Into It" from ben dickinson on Vimeo.

...I need to get to work.
Also, I want to go to a rollerskating rink because I still have never been to one.

Friday 19 November 2010

everyone needs it.
It's what I've been missing.
Art. Dance. School. Jobs. Family. Friends.

Being a one track mind can only get you so far...

Thursday 18 November 2010

Crazy Article:
What ruins a good day?
Oh thats right a bad night.
stupid fire alarm...
Decent Day today...

Feelin a bit better.
Did Laundry.
Went to all my classes.
Watch Paranormal Activity 2 (pretty good movie)
and best of all finally after 2 weeks of waiting...
got these bad boys in the mail, yup yup

brought to you by The Bboy Spot dot Com


Wednesday 17 November 2010

Have you ever realized that you need two hands to blow your nose.
While driving yesterday I tried only using one hand and that was no easy task...

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Santana -Maria Maria (TheWraith)

pretty sh*tty day...
nothing a little sushi and soothing music can't mend.


Monday 15 November 2010

nothing comes easy...
but seriously? The day right before...

(I hate to admit it but these peoples are actually getting to me)
I did it...

Daft Punk

Daft Punk - Interstella 5555 - Full

Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem
"The film is the visual realization of Discovery, an album by Daft Punk."

One of my favourite albums and "music videos". It's kind of like what goes on in my head when listening to music. I visualize a story to go along with the track. And yes I do own the DVD for Interstella (thanks to one of my best friends) but I have yet to get the actual album.
So I'm pretty sure the only concert I've been to was for Daft Punk and horryy shiet it was amazing. It was a crazy light show filled with good music and it didn't hurt that I was under the influence...



Sunday 14 November 2010

Nice & Smooth - Sometimes I Rhyme Slow

I was driving this weekend from Hamilton to Waterloo (just about 1 hour drive) and just chillin' listening to music with my buddy. Note that this was just about 4-5 in in the morning. And the song above ^ came on. Personally it's one of my favourite songs because I can listen to it whenever and it'll still be good. Another song which I really like is the following song from which the first song posted, had sampled the beat. Both very chill, tragic songs but that's what makes them so good.
Both speak of the reality of life and not just some hollow lyrics about partying...

Tracy Chapman - Fast Car

Honestly, I sometimes feel that I'm really an old boring man stuck in a young 20-something year old's body. But if that means that I get to enjoy good music and not care what people think then so be it. I do enjoy classical music, doo-wop, motown and generally songs with some substance in them. This might explain why I'm behind on the music scene most of the time, but that's only because I'm too busy listening to other songs that actually mean something to me and make a connection with me. I can't say I really relate with the whole partying scene because it is fun but most of the time I prefer more casual or even intimate situations...

That's all I gotta say.
From the boring old man...

Good day.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Off to Hamilton!
Mike and I are headed for some wholesome breakin' fun at McMaster University,
It's gon' be CrAZyyy...

Big turnout for this friendly Breaking club event.
Be Right Back Waterloo...
One last post before I retire for the night.
Warning! Some PG-13 stuff to follow...

Friday 12 November 2010

Corinne Bailey Rae - Trouble Sleeping

Currently mellowin' out to her sultry sound.

Whoa weird dream.

Had some sort of family reunion and I met my paternal grandfather and everyone was happy and laughing. There's two things wrong with this picture.
One: Both my grandfathers have passed on.
Two: My paternal grandfather was a d*ck from what I hear and my father hated him.
Part two of my dream is that I ran into a good friend of mine that I haven't seen in a while. It was nice to see an old familiar face.

Sometimes I feel like dreams have some deeper meaning...
maybe this time it's just wishful thinking.

(also W.T.Funk why would I undress myself at night when it's a bit chilly in my room :S... Pause?)


Wednesday 10 November 2010

Drowning. Hold your breath
and swim towards the surface.
You just might make it.
Dear Corporate Finance,
I Hate you ...

...on to the next one.

Tuesday 9 November 2010


for some reason whenever a girl gets really emotional or really mad at something small, or for no reason, I assume she is on her period.

- mike
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”
-Albert Einstein

(I hope you're right Al)

...But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo...

Monday 8 November 2010

TEDxVancouver - Neill Blomkamp - 11/21/09



[Artificial Intelligence Timeline]:
From Cave Paintings to the Internet A Chronological and Thematic Database on the History of Information and Media

A.I. has always fascinated me and the possible implications of its existence. The moment we achieve A.I. (AKA the Singularity) would be the turning point in human history because it would start an era where humans will no longer be the dominant species as machines will have far greater computing capacities.
For the most part I have viewed it as a good thing and an inevitable progression of our own self destructive nature. We are so determined to progress that we forget the consequences... such as polluting this place we live in and destroying so much of the natural world.

I know it sounds like hippie speak but its a truth that we choose to ignore in order to feel better about ourselves for taking advantage of the luxuries we currently have.
But then again what do I know this is another random post on a blog which is probably stored on some server somewhere the is taking up space and using up electricity...

In other news one of my favourite movies is the movie A.I. Artificial Intelligence.
It's about a journey of a robot boy just trying to find his way home. I always found it cool since it was a mix of my favourite genres: Adventure and Science Fiction. I do recommend watching it if you do enjoy those genres...


Sunday 7 November 2010

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?
Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on TED.com

Warning! Continue on only if you don't mind hearing my views on this situation.

Saturday 6 November 2010

Nothing On You

Best version I've seen. Amazing talent. Lady-Killer for real.

Friday 5 November 2010

Ian Eastwood-"Cricketz"


G'damn schools getting the best of me... I'm living for the weekends but then I know when they're over its back to reality...
(Woke up at 8:30 only to remember that my 9:30 class was cancelled and I still have to finish an assignment due at 4pm... F*ck)


Wednesday 3 November 2010

Ok so no lie Pulp Fiction was actually pretty good. The plot is full of random ish and it was kinda like "WTF" at some parts but overall good movie I think. Funny thing is I actually liked Samuel L. Jackson in this movie. Normally I don't enjoy his acting with the few exceptions such as Unbreakable, but I enjoyed his constant rants on his religious views which were quite amusing especially when his partner appears to have conflicting views when it comes to that subject.

In the end I do recommend Pulp Fiction ( not so much Resevoir dogs)  it kind of has the multiple convergent storyline thing going on... sorta


(ps. my bad rach seriously forgot you wanted to watch this too... ahah... next time?)

Monday 1 November 2010

Reservoir Dogs... good but not amazing. I think people hyped it up too much. But overall good movie. Now for Pulp Fiction...