Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sizzla - Give Me A Try

Monday 28 November 2011

"Sometimes the answers to your questions can be found in the waiting."

So I went to church last night to ease my mind and gain some inner peace after all the chaos and anger that was Saturday. The Homily was pretty interesting. The priest talked about his experience of traveling to Laos to meet a friend, this Buddhist monk that he met here in Canada. He talked about how he had gone to visit his friend in order to do research for this course on world religions and their view of spirituality. He talked about how he was so riled up, ready to ask several questions but instead his friend sat him down only to have a cup of specially prepared tea. This frustrated him because he was unable to ask his questions but his friend had sensed this. His friend then stated, "Sometimes the answers to your questions can be found in the waiting." It was then that he realized that his questions were trivial and instead he was given one of the most important lessons of his life. He then went on to reference a poem called "Midnight" by a poet Dom Hendler (I don't think that name is right) and quotes the poet saying, "The midnight is that moment when the night is pregnant with the dawn." To him this meant several things and with his final message of his homily he again refered back to the gift of waiting, saying "The waiting is the moment pregnant with possibilities."

Personally, I found this very applicable to what I have been going through. My job search, my path to becoming an Actuary and to OUCH/UWHH. We are so caught up about where we want to end up that sometimes we forget how great the journey is to get there. The several things we may experience, the friends we make, the things we learn and the possibilities/opportunities presented to us, it all comes together to make the journey that much more special.

Sunday 27 November 2011

Just wanted to say

Congrats on that OUCH performance. I like that it's getting Rawwwwwwww. like bloody steak raw, like send that chicken back to finish cooking I'm going to get salmonella raw, like you picked up a coconut and didnt bother breaking it open but took a bite outta that shit because you jus as raw as the coconut type raw. Congrats on the co-op position too! LOL. I loved Carleton though ;) but you know me LOL. I am realllyyy surprised ya'll didn't place though. but whatever, better to be the team everyone believes deserved to place than the team that placed but everyone believed didn't deserve it.

Keep doing what you're doing.
Love the song selection, love the performance, love you guys.

- Paul

Friday 25 November 2011

EMPLOYED! Finally, got a coop for Winter 2012.
Coop, check. Next on the list, redeeming myself academically this term, working on finding a grad job and passing another ActSci Exam.


Wednesday 23 November 2011

The weedy sea dragon - Oceans - BBC

Skip to 1:40
"So brilliant, blue and green and red..." Hahha

I swear they sound like the voice actors from SouthPark.

(I don't know why but these vids are so interesting.)
BBC Nature: 'Brinicle' ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic


(random I know I just felt bad for the starfish... so I decided to share it haha.)

Monday 21 November 2011

Words of Advice

It's not because you are not good enough to achieve anything. It is that you're not trying hard enough.

An upper semester told me this when discussing her transition to an international medical school from undergrad. I have felt that I was inadequate to become a doctor enough times in undergrad (I mean, I had genius roomates by comparison)... but actually studying the material and applying myself like I'm a monk (literally study, sleep, eat, now and then exercise), I can see that wasn't the case. Will all this new found effort be worth it? So far it's paying off. But we'll know when I graduate (God Willing).

Just some words of advice before exam time starts. Best of luck on OUCH, exams, life, filipino ladies breathing down your neck, etc.

- Paul
Ross Nanotechnology Introduction.flv

Ross Nanotechnology's NeverWet superhydrophobic spray-on coating

Where can I get me some?
The Supernaturalz "Before Fame Existed" rare footage 1999-2001

I hope you're not lactose intolerant because this next part is...

Saturday 19 November 2011

Even though she's in med school. She's still a filipino girl.

So a funny thing happened last night at the biggest party of the semester before exams hit. Well I reached this pre game party with some friends and everything was good. Saw bunch of people and good times were had by all. Then we all started walking to the main party. You remember that hot filipino girl I told y'all about? Well we know each other, we talk now and then but dont really chill. Well anyways she was in front of me in the line to get in to the event. The event costed 30ECD to get in. I was pretty drunk by then. But anyways she turns around and asks me if I can pay 10ECD to help cover for this guy. I told her, "Girl I don't know you like that." and WOW LOL. She got mad son. Like responded "Fuck you." Like an emphasis on the Fuck and you. not like sarcastic or jokingly. She was pissed. LOL (I actually laughed as a response because I mean seriously, she mad because I wont pay for one of her random guy friends?) I duno I guess she ain't used to people saying no to her. She turned from hot to bitch quick. I'm just saying it here because I'm not going to tell anyone else in this school about that, I don't want to start beef or talk shit about someone behind their back over one event. I just thought she overreacted. I had a good time overall that night though. Now no more partying. Pure studies from here on out.

Good luck to all of you studying for your exams and such as well.
Peace. Bitches be crazy. Specially the filipino ones.

- Paul

while everyone's busy trying to figure out if Marquez intentionally stepped on Pacquiao's shoes as a strategy, Im trying to figure out if pacquiaos boxing shoes were intentionally designed to look like socks and tsinelas...
Drake - Club Paradise (Screwed & Chopped by Slim K) (DL INSIDE!)

Currently bumpin

Crazy dream...

(Excuse the grammatical errors just wrote this down as soon as I woke up so that I won't forget it)

Water pressure goes down in all houses. Government (?) Installs water "regulators". Water becomes scarce. Everyone is told to move to large mall like building in order to receive proper water supply. Everyone within the city moves into this building only bringing the clothes they are wearing and pajamas. Now I am searching for my little brother throughout this huge complex and he is no where to be found.

Friday 18 November 2011

Miles Davis Sextet 1958 - Love For Sale

Miles Davis ftw.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Crooked Fingers - Heavy Hours (How I Met Your Mother S07E10)

Also just had to share this song. It was played at the end of HIMYM on its most recent episode and damn was it sad. The song really hit me and I kind of empathized with Barney. Definitely hitting that emo phase in music again...
No Me Ames - Jennifer Lopez feat. Marc Anthony

Definitely need this kind of music for a morning like this.

Sidenote: Definitely loving cuban salsa more. It's what dancing should be like. A connection with you and the music and occasionally the connection you share with another person. All these f***ing counts and technicality completely go against the whole reason why dancing was ever created...

Saturday 12 November 2011


Soo to update the world. Friday night I was feeling just about hopeless and kinda getting depressed with my whole situation. Then met up with homegirl Nilerz to choreo for OUCH. Some serious choreo block, especially being depressed doesn't help. But definitely lightened up after chillin and just talkin for a bit. Worked on what we could and then went home.
We went home and got ready to reach Kelsey's house because FJ was in town and we were gonna lime. Kyle and Mich reached and even my housemates, Kirk, Ben and Samer went for a bit. Funny times just playing music while running some card games (Signal then King's cup). Ben, Kirk and Samer had to dip to reach sauga and that's when the craziness began. All I can say is there was beer, rum, soca, dancehall, reggae, Backstreet Boys and whinin.
Overall a good night and definitely what I needed to get me out of the that deep funk I was in.
Good Times, Good Friends indeed. #GTGF

P.S. Paul and Mike you guys should reach one time especially when Paul gets back from Dominica.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

... need some help right about now. If anyone has a financial/actuarial job out there, it'd be great if you'd let me know. Contact me at thisisgettingdepressing@gmail.com. (-_-)

Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Ladies in the game

Kinda like a hood Gwen Stefani that probably beat up Kreayshawn for lunch money. That ass tho... hahaha

Weird how they both have an Azaliea or whatever in their names. Love this girl though. Seen her shit wayyy before when she was featured in some Nike documentary about Queens (I think I posted that before on this blog). Just trying to relax my mind with these hard tracks. Peace world.

- Paul

Tuesday 1 November 2011

I think im quitting weed. Like I have it here right in front of me. But it's not fun anymore. The people I smoke it with are different. I guess I enjoyed it more because of the people I did it with. The friends here are cool still, but I don't get the same amount of fun out of weed from them. Also this ish is evil to many people in this school, and I don't want to be known as that pot smoker (even though I blow most students out the water with my straight As Sonnnnnn lol). On that note. 6 more weeks til I return home. How's the vibe back home? things good/fun/stressful/different/just daily grind/etc?

You know what else I miss? Bitchy girls. Not like Rude and inconsiderate. But I mean like attitude. that swagger that they are the shit and know it and can speak their mind. LOL girls here.... sure some of them cute... but they're too nice? I cannot see myself with any of them to be honest. Sigh doctors.... I'll gladly settle for an all attitude filipina nurse.

- Paul
I swear. I will quit all my vices right now if it'll help me reach my goal...